Monday, June 25, 2007

Why, hello there!

My name is Clair (it's the shortened version of my full name, Clairissa.)I'm currently at Penn State for Women in Science and Engineering Camp. This blog exists as a part of the Information Science and Technology project of WISE camp. I hope to someday become a nuclear engineer or a photojournalist or really any career that would allow/require me to travel a lot. I love learning about different cultures, which is mainly the reason I chose this project. I look forward to learning about Indian life and talking about American culture.

1 comment:

doctor said...

Hey Clair,
I am Shilpa an 11th grade student from Jamshedpur(India).I am interested in the field of medicine and hope to become a doctor some day.
In India doctors are regarded next to god and also it is one of the best paid jobs.But through the WISE camp I learnt about the other choices that are available within the field of medicine.
Well I hope you had a great time at the WISE camp.Do share your experience with me.
Please do check out my blog..