Thursday, June 28, 2007

Concluding thoughts on IST/Wise Camp

Information Technology as a Gateway to the World
Had it not been for this project and the advances in information technology, I wouldn't be writing here, corresponding with the ladies of Jamshedpur.

I hope to continue writing to you guys and receiving comments, this project was very enlightening and I'm glad I chose it.
I enjoyed my time here in the Penn State IST building. Initially, I was a little hesitant to choose the class because I wasn't sure I would learn much. I already knew how to create a blog and upload digital pictures, but in this class I learned about the 'revolution' that is taking place now that anyone can put anything on the internet. Information is everywhere, and technology is helping make it available to everyone.

My favorite part of this class was looking into the cultural differences and how information technology can help mend misunderstandings. My mother was born in the Phillipines, and she often talks about how much easier everyday would be if people could understand where she came from and the differences between the Filipino (really, any county's) and American cultures.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

IT Careers spawned from unconventional decisions

Our guests speakers were very interesting. I was surprised to see that neither of them followed their original plans for their careers. Dr. Maitland, for example went to school and worked as an electrical engineer for a few years before making a complete change in plans and joining the peace corps. Dr. Kvasny took a year off after her first year in college. Before, I would have thought that taking a year off or completely leaving a solid career would lesssen the likelyhood of one's success, especially for a Doctorate or advanced degree. They both made choices in their education and career choices that ultimately morphed into two fascinating careers. Although neither of them could have envisioned becoming college professors, it's easy to see that they are both very happy.

Dr. Maitland researches the effect of society on technology in developing countries, which I find to be very interesting. I've always enjoyed studying science because it makes anything possible. I hate to go back to talking about the Jetsons, I'm not sure you've seen the cartoon in India, but the basic idea of the show is George Jetson and his family of the future face silly challenges in the world of the future. Once deemed to be merely visions in a cartoon, George Jetson's flying car is now under development, 'moving sidewalks' are in every other airport, etc. etc. all because of developments in science, technology, engineering. Dr. Maitland's line of work is especially interesting to me because of my belief that "Science makes anything possible," even in developing countries.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2 Questions for the IT women

-Why did you choose information technology?
-How has technology affected the areas you are observing (developing countries / inner city)
-What device (from the Jetsons cartoon or otherwise) would you like to see come to life?

5 Top Technologies


There's a picture of my phone on the right.
From learning how to ride a bike to getting my license to the six plane rides I took within the last year, vehicles play a major MAJOR part in my life.
Irrigation / Plumbing
Irrigation = water for food
Plumbing = toilets, running water, all the things I miss SOOO much when I'm camping.
I'm on one now, if that says anything. I actually never got a computer until 7th grade, and now I have no idea what I did without it.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Why, hello there!

My name is Clair (it's the shortened version of my full name, Clairissa.)I'm currently at Penn State for Women in Science and Engineering Camp. This blog exists as a part of the Information Science and Technology project of WISE camp. I hope to someday become a nuclear engineer or a photojournalist or really any career that would allow/require me to travel a lot. I love learning about different cultures, which is mainly the reason I chose this project. I look forward to learning about Indian life and talking about American culture.