Had it not been for this project and the advances in information technology, I wouldn't be writing here, corresponding with the ladies of Jamshedpur.
I hope to continue writing to you guys and receiving comments, this project was very enlightening and I'm glad I chose it.
I enjoyed my time here in the Penn State IST building. Initially, I was a little hesitant to choose the class because I wasn't sure I would learn much. I already knew how to create a blog and upload digital pictures, but in this class I learned about the 'revolution' that is taking place now that anyone can put anything on the internet. Information is everywhere, and technology is helping make it available to everyone.My favorite part of this class was looking into the cultural differences and how information technology can help mend misunderstandings. My mother was born in the Phillipines, and she often talks about how much easier everyday would be if people could understand where she came from and the differences between the Filipino (really, any county's) and American cultures.